Rubicon: Leadership Competency Process

Leadership Programme

The Rubicon: Leadership Competency Programme

“Management is doing things right;

leadership is doing the right things.”

Peter F. Drucker


When is the the next Course due to start?

The next Rubicon Leadership Competency Programme is due to start May 19th in our conference room in Newlands Cross, Dublin 22, Ireland.

To discuss how this programme may be of value to you and your business please contact imeldabutler@localhost/cml1 and submit any query you may have on the programme.

What is the Rubicon: Leadership Development Programme?

The Rubicon: Leadership Competency Programme (RLCP) is a self-contained, comprehensive Leadership Development course that focuses on developing higher levels of competency mastery, personal effectiveness, interpersonal skills and team contribution, culminating in sustainable personal and organization advantage.

Who can benefit most from the Leadership Programme?

The programme is developed primarily for:

Participants in these roles will develop a more systematic approach to leadership which will produce personal, professional, interpersonal, team and organizational advantage.

Imelda Butler, Director of Century Management explains her observations and lessons from taking thousands of Leaders, High Achievers, Managers, Business Owners and Professionals through this leadership programme:

More than 100,000 men and women have attended the Rubicon: Leadership Competency Programme, in one form or another, over the last 14 years it is regarded as world class’ and life-changing, so you are starting a journey that is tried and tested’

Imelda Butler
Century Management

“All business change starts with personal learning and behavioural change.”


What are the beneficial outcomes of taking this programme?

Beneficial outcomes can be gained at personal, professional, interpersonal, team, organizational and customer levels as follows:

Why participate in the leadership programme?

When the foundations of personal and interpersonal effectiveness are developed, the benefits of all previous and subsequent experience, learning and development are enhanced.

This creates the basis for transforming personal, team and business performance and results.

It has been described as ‘a life-changing experience‘ and a ‘professional eye-opener‘ by many of the more than 100,000 men and women who have experienced it.

It provides a natural progression from the:

Crossing the Rubicon Personal Leadership Strategies WEBINAR.

Click this video (3 minutes) to get an appreciation of the power culture and strategy working in tandem.

Culture is about? Strategy is about something different?

Blended together they are virtually impossible to copy or imitate and therefore can be your most potent competitive-edge factor.

Merge Two Powerful Driving Forces To Transform Your Organisation

What is the process for The Rubicon: Leadership Competency Programme?

The Leadership Competency Programme is a Strategic Human Performance Improvement (SHPI) process with three distinct elements:


The Rubicon Leadership Competency Model (above) provides a systematic process of defining, measuring and developing important competency gaps. It also provides extensive job and people management indicators to help the individual and the organization blend into a successful match.

The three steps in the process are:

  1. Definition: First, we define key accountabilities and benchmark the job and critical parameters surrounding the position.
  2. Measurement: Second, we measure the most important personal/professional, team and organizational competencies and measure them against the best-practice job benchmark.
  3. Development: Third, we develop and implement appropriate solutions to bridge the competency gaps and align human performance interventions with the strategic thinking and planning of the organization.

The Leadership Competency Model is a systems thinking and planning approach. It helps link people, learning and performance to achieve better results and sustainable strategic advantage.

It is talent management in action.

Competencies provide an integrated framework to describe role requirements, family job clusters and performance issues. Comparing the competencies of individuals with best practice job expectations can provide a platform to more easily deliver superior results.

That is what strategic human performance improvement is about – ‘tangibilising‘ the intangible by defining, measuring, developing and achieving the strategic human performance competencies essential for sustainable competitive advantage.

Here is an example for a family business:

“From a business perspective Century Management’s expertise has helped us define our roles more clearly, work more effectively as a management team and keep a firm eye on the future in the following areas: succession planning, setting and achieving goals, and future strategy.”

Devitt Family Business
Newlands Garden Centre

Clarity, focus and collective effort around a compelling shared vision are winning edge factors that are hard to surpass over time.

What are the component parts of The Rubicon Leadership Programme?

The Rubicon: Leadership Competency Programme has eight interconnected components, each building on and supporting the other. The process is a combination of solid management and leadership essentials like:

AND emotional intelligence issues such as:

Each of the elements of the Rubicon: Leadership Competency Programme is expertly facilitated into one ‘whole’, using multi-rater and self-assessment instruments. The ‘completeness’ of the process equips each manager and team with the key management and leadership competencies required to meet your specific needs and objectives.

Specifically, each individual will address issues of self-mastery, emotional intelligence, skills development/enhancement and openness to change, through the realization that for change to be effective at organizational level, change as a process must begin at the personal/professional level.

Beyond Change To Transformation

Just as managers need to transform their thinking and behaviour to become leaders so also organisations need to recalibrate, reinvent and develop new business models to recover from The Great Crash of 2009

The component parts of Rubicon Leadership Competency Process are as follows:

Rubicon 1: Defining and Benchmarking the Job demonstrates the importance of bringing clarity and focus to the parameters of critical jobs in an organisation. The challenge of the transition from ‘good to great’ in a knowledge-based economy starts with a new appreciation of human capital. In addition, human capital management and measurement starts with this job exercise.

Rubicon 2: Measuring Your Competencies is an essential step in any human performance improvement initiative or whole company intervention. From selection and induction through talent retention and succession if you can put the right person in the right position you dramatically increase their potential to succeed. Measuring the match between the person and the job is made easier by scientific profiling on the internet.

Rubicon 3: Developing Your Competencies is the signature part of the Rubicon process. It’s where you explore the significance of master principles and best practice tools and techniques to cross the Rubicon. Critical topics are explored from personal and organisational blockages to critical success factors that high performers in all disciplines utilise on an every day basis. Turning talent into competency excellence is the goal.

Rubicon 4: Action Commitment Exercises allows the theory to be translated into personalised and customised action points. Just as all learning starts with good theory so also does all change start with commitment to taking action and then implementing the planned action.

‘To know and not to do is not yet to know’ was how Confucius put it. This is the execution blueprint which you keep by your side all year round.

Rubicon 5: The Rubicon CD Audio Companion allows you to listen to all the chapters on your iPod, walkman or MP3 player as you travel or drive. A 10 – 15 minute overview of the essential points of each chapter helps to reinforce the learning and maximise your downtime. Spaced repetition is the key to retention and understanding of a subject and this audio opportunity embraces the overall experience

Rubicon 6: The Rubicon DVD Insights allows you to get closer perspectives on the imagery behind the whole Rubicon process. This adds to the interpretation and learning experience by bringing alive’ concepts, models process stages and whole systems in a more visual way. Big-little-big or whole-part-whole is a great way to catch a concept and this DVD series allows you to do that.

Rubicon 7: Crossing the Rubicon: Seven Steps to Writing Your Own Personal Strategy is a practical, proven, system to bring clarity and focus to your personal life and professional achievements. In a clear, simple format it takes you through seven business strategy steps that can be applied to your personal and professional life. It shows you why you should think and act like the self-employed CEO of your own personal services company.

Personal Strategy CDRubicon 8: Writing Your Personal Strategy Workbook. The primary objective of this work book is to bring clarity and focus to who you are and what you do IN A WRITTEN FORMAT. You may choose to hand-write in this workbook, or use it as part of your start off thinking process before typing the final copy into the electronic version. Why not work both methods?

The system also includes a Leaders’ Guide and Powerpoint presentation of the complete program for qualified facilitators.

The Rubicon Competency Model Part 3: Developing Leadership Competencies


Video Testimonial

View the testimonial below from an entrepreneurial businessman who embraced change, business strategy and learning for his business.

“In our first year, our senior management team went through the Rubicon process which helped us formulate a five year strategy and which we have three years completed. This opened all our minds to what we needed to do and we are now ready for the next stage.”

Joe Colfer
Managing Director
CLM Properties

every hour you invest in working on the principles of why a business works well will be repaid 10 fold on the field of execution.

To discuss how this programme may be of value to you and your business please contact imeldabutler@localhost/cml1 and submit any query you may have on the programme.

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