Discover your Creativity

“Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.” – Proverb

Why do people not innovate and create. Why are people so caught up or tied into the old ways of doing things, when they are not working? Paralysis by analysis! The definition of stupidity is: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

creative brain

Decide to nurture and harness your creativity and innovation to help you and your organisation grow and prosper and reinvent itself. The knowledge and learning that has got you this far, will not be sufficient to take you further. So to survive in turbulent times, you must innovate and recreate your life. To be creative you must feed the mind with nutrients. Most so called creative events were merely improvement. Even Einstein saw it this way.

Take time to see the ‘big picture’, to look at the full screen of work, life and results and identify areas that need a new creative approach. Then learn what you need to learn to adopt a creative innovative new way. Learn from others who have succeeded in the area, read books on the subject. Be ready to cross the Rubicon.

How are you investing in your creativity and learning?

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