Emotional Intelligence

The emotional workplace challenges are summed up in three statements:

1. People join companies and leave people

2. It’s 1% perspiration and 99% inspiration

3. Selling is 100% emotional.

Emotional Intelligence

Critical thinking is important, but emotional intelligence is vital. The challenge for modern management is defined as the necessity to develop people through work. Traditional management was defined as getting work done through people.

Daniel Goleman author of Emotional Intelligence concludes that “For leadership positions emotional intelligence competencies account for up to 85% of what sets outstanding manages apart from the average”. For more operational roles Ei still ranks as high as 50%.

People tend to get hired for their skills and knowledge only to be fired for their attitude or low Ei quotient.

Ei is defined as your capacity to accurately perceive your own emotions, use emotions to facilitate your thinking, understand emotional meanings and manage your emotions.

In Crossing the Rubicon John Butler recommends you develop your Ei by focussing on the following areas :

1.Develop your self- awareness – know and own your feelings

2. Manage your moods – balance your moods to prevent outbursts or withdrawals

3. Motivate yourself –discover what drives you and frustrates you

4. Empathy – learn to read and influence other people’s emotions

5. Social Skills – manage the emotions in your relationships, which will sustain satisfactory interpersonal relationships.

Have you considered the vital role on emotional intelligence?

Have you given it enough attention?

Do you recognize the potential rewards of developing your emotional intelligence quota?

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